I have hardly been home in the past few days. I have been so behind in EVERYTHING! My laundry is half-done, my house is totally cluttered, and my blogging is way behind. So, I am going to try to catch up with the blogging in one post. Here goes nothing...
I have had some great devotional insights the past couple of days, but not the time to write them down. First, is a quote from Martin Luther. (If you don't know who that is, look here.) I read this in Knowing and Loving the Bible.
The devil is a greater rascal than you think he is. You do as yet not know what sort of fellow he is and what a desperate rogue you are. His definite design is to get you tired of the Word and in this way to draw you away from it. This is his aim.Wow! What a successful way to draw you away from God. The Bible is our connection to God, and if we lose touch with the Bible, we lose touch with God. And how simple is it? I find I have to really focus on concentrating on the Bible. It is easy for me to get distracted or lose interest. In today's society, we are so inundated with special effects and in-your-face everything, that it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking the Bible is boring. I have to be on the watch for this temptation in my life.
Second, my devotional today was talking about the Bible being a mirror. It said the Bible can, "give us a clear view of reality, the truth in any situation." I have been afraid to look too closely at the mirror for fear that it will show me something I don't want to see. I think that all too often, I have been like the man in James 1 who looks at himself in the mirror and then forgets what he saw as soon as he walks away. I read something profound in the Bible, but fail to take that with me into my everyday life. I leave the reality that the Bible shows there and return to my reality. The one I see with my own eyes. The one I can understand on my own. God has given me such an amazing gift in the Bible and I only use it on my terms in my own time. I want to dedicate myself to gazing intently into the mirror God has given me and then taking those images with me wherever I go, so that I will always know what truth really is.
The final thought I want to leave you with today is from the sermon this morning. Eric, our preacher, taught out of Micah 6 this morning. It is talking about God bringing a case against us. He talks about all that He has done for us and asks how He has failed us. in verse 3, he states, "My people, what have I done to you? How have I burdened you? Answer me." Then He goes on to list the things he did for them. That led me to thinking about all of the blessings God has given me. I have been so focused on what He did not do this year, that I have missed a lot of the things he has done. Cue my Sunday 7 for this week:

2. Road crews- We had snow again last night and the road crews got out early enough this morning that we were able to make it in for church. Which brings up the next blessing:
3. Eric Wilson- Our preacher who gives amazing lessons. I have really needed to hear the sermons he has given over the past few weeks!
4. My husband- This may be a blessing I am continually thankful for. He is so generous with his time. He spent today helping some friends paint their basement so the wife (who is pregnant) did not have to do it.
5. Examples- One of the college students at our church spoke today about his experience in Africa the past few months. It was very challenging and uplifting to here him talk about how this experience has changed him and opened his eyes to the important things in life.
6. The flexibility of my job- I have really enjoyed having the opportunity to make my own schedule for work. It has really reduced the stress in my life.
7. The ladies Bible class on Wednesday nights- We are studying Philippians and so far, it has been a wonderful experience.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!
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