Sydney Danielle Lough 3/11/07

Sydney Danielle Lough  3/11/07
My Inspiration

Monday, November 10, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

NaBloPoMo Day 10

It is hard to believe it is Monday again! I actually sat down and did my menu plan last night, but am just getting around to posting it. We did pretty well with it last week. Hopefully this week will run as smoothly! Andrew is out of town Wednesday through Friday, so I will be eating some things he does not normally like while he is gone. Here it is:

Monday: Baked Flounder with Butter Garlic Beans (one of our favorite sides)

Tuesday: Roast Pork and leftover green beans

Wednesday: Church- eat in town or leftovers at home

Thursday: Tuna sandwich and carrots with dip

Friday: Peanut Butter Fondue with apples and vanilla wafers, Leftovers

Saturday: Breakfast- eggs, bacon, toast

Sunday: Lifegroups at lunch and College Group for dinner

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Unknown said...

The peanut butter fondue sounds yummy! I do that kind of thing too. When I know that Hubby won't be home for dinner, I make stuff that I like that he doesn't.