Sydney Danielle Lough 3/11/07

Sydney Danielle Lough  3/11/07
My Inspiration

Monday, November 17, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

NaBloPoMo Day 17

I can't believe that I actually followed our menu last week with the exception of Saturday evening when we went to Andrew's parents' house for dinner. It was so nice to not have to worry about what we were having! I think it also helped save some money...always a plus!

Andrew is going to be gone this weekend for a hunting trip- the first in 11 years! So, I will be using up the leftovers a lot then. Here is the plan:

Monday: Chili- it is not supposed to get out of the 30s today, so this will be perfect!

Tuesday: Ham and Cheesy Potatoes with rolls- Andrew's request. I am sure I will make some sort of veggie with this also, but not sure which.

Wednesday: Breakfast- Eggs, Sausage, Biscuits

Thursday: Tacos- we have an extra package of flour tortillas and half of a bag of tortilla chips we need to get used up!

Leftovers or whatever I get a craving for! :)

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Amy said...

Funny, I planned breakfast for Wednesday night, too.

Sandi said...

Hunting, huh? Mmm -- chili sounds yummy.

Andrew said...

Chili WAS yummy!!! and yes. I'm going hunting. Next time it may be Deer Chili!!!