Sydney Danielle Lough 3/11/07

Sydney Danielle Lough  3/11/07
My Inspiration

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

4 am

NaBloPoMo Day 25
Why am I blogging at 4:36 in the morning? It is because I am awake. I have been for about an hour, even though I only got out of bed a few minutes ago.

I could not get comfortable.

I was tossing and turning.

I was listening to all of the sounds a house makes.

Thinking that I can't believe I skipped a day of blogging yesterday! Just completely forgot- Andrew got home, I was not feeling good, and it just slipped my mind. Oh well!

My stomach was contracting.

I could not sleep!

Oh, the joys of pregnancy.

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Anonymous said...

The bad thing is that after he is born and you can get really comfortable; then he will still keep you up at night (at least for a while)! You will have to press Andy into some of the late-night duties.

Tiffany said...

We have already talked about that. Especially since I will have the c-section to deal with at first, too. Thankfully, he actually volunteered to help out.