NaBloPoMo Day 22
We were so blessed by all of the gifts we received from our showers! In fact, this morning, you could not even walk into the nursery for all of the presents...bags, stroller, boxes, name it, we had to step over it!
Mom came over today and helped me start to tackle the fun of putting all of our gifts away. After about 5 hours and three loads of laundry (and that was just towels and blankets), I still have a lot of work to do. But, it is coming together.
I only wish Andrew could be here for the fun, also! He is out of town for the weekend hunting at Uncle Eric and Aunt Judy's. After getting up at 4 this morning to head out, he told me that they got froze out around 9:30. Even though he did not hunt very long, he still had fun. Tomorrow is supposed to be warmer, so he hopes to be able to hunt a little longer in the afternoon.
He should be coming home sometime Monday evening. It is amazing how attached you can become to a person. While I am glad he was able to go hunting, I really miss having him here. Sitting here tonight, I just miss hearing his voice.
I can't imagine what it will be like when Austin gets here and spends his first night away from home. Or when he goes to college. It is crazy...he is as close to me as he will ever be right now. Instead of rushing this time, I need to enjoy every minute of it...even the part where he is invading my ribs! :)
I think my hormones must be on overload tonight because I am awfully sentimental. Maybe it is just time for bed! I will post before and after photos of the room when it is done.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Hey Tiffarooney... (is that spelled correctly?) Just wanted to say howdy and wish you a early happy birthday!I am sooooooo excited about being a new uncle again. We are not coming home for thanksgiving so that we can come stay with YOU when your little man is born.(can I sleep in your room?)...just kidding. But I can't wait to get to hold that boy. Have a great b-day sis we love you and Drew very much! Jeff
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