NaBloPoMo Day 23
Well, after church and small groups, I came home and took a nap. I was so tired, I barely made it home. Between the cats, Austin moving around, needing to go to the bathroom and insomnia, I really have not gotten the best of sleep the past few nights.
After my nap, I felt more refreshed and rejuvenated and decided to tackle more of the nursery. I got all of the 0-3 month clothes washed and put away. It was so much fun going through the clothes again and matching the outfits back up. (Some of them were tricky! It was like working on a puzzle.)
I also got a few more things organized around the room. I made room for all of the towels and washcloths in the bathroom closet- clearing up room for other things. I utilized several plastic baskets I had sitting around that I had forgotten about to help with the organization process.
When I sat down to take a break, I decided to get on Amazon and look for some organization ideas. I was so excited! I found a couple of things that I have been looking for for a while now.
First, is something to put stuffed animals in. I want to be able to put Sydney's animals in there as well as Austin's. But, when I called around, none of the stores in town carried the nets that hang from the ceiling for that purpose. I had pretty much given up on finding one until I opened up the baby organization tab on Amazon today and there it was! Of course, it was added immediately to my wish list so I can find it later. The second thing I found was a closet organizer. I have been looking for something that I could hang from the closet rod that would maximize my space. I figured Austin was not going to need any tall hanging space for a couple least! :) Today, I found this...another item added to the wish list.
It is so fun to see the nursery really coming together! I am getting so excited to meet Austin and hold him in my arms and rock him in the rocker...even to change his diapers! (I know that won't last long!) There is still a lot more to do, but progress is being made. We still need to get shelves for the walls and replace the closet doors to name a couple of things. But, we still have time...
On a different note, I had every intention of posting my deals for this past week, but I can't find my Gerbes receipt. I can tell you that I got a $25 gift card for Walgreens just by taking my prescription there instead of taking it back to HyVee where I normally get it. Not bad for such an easy task! My prescription was $11, so I made $14!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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