I absolutely could not believe it when I heard about this story on the radio today! A pregnant woman got a ticket on the way to the hospital when she was having contractions 3 minutes apart! Not only did she get a ticket, but the officer made her wait for it while he finished up on another ticket.
While the outcome ended up alright, this could have been a very dangerous situation. While I realize people may try to pull pranks on officers, you have to take this kind of thing seriously! I mean, something could have gone wrong or the baby could have gone into distress and it could have meant the lives of the mother, baby or both!
I also realize that maybe they could have made some better choices than they did throughout this story, but who knows how I would be if I were in labor like that and trying to get to the hospital. Pregnancy does pretty crazy things to you!
It kind of makes me nervous about getting to the hospital if I go into labor early. Thankfully, Columbia is nothing like the big cities out there. Rush hour really is not a big deal here. And, cops rarely pull anyone over for running a red light, much less for driving in the wrong lane.
To read more about this story, click the link below:
In rush-hour labor, ticket delivered - The Boston Globe
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A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
if it were me i think i would have just kept driving and let the cop give me the ticket at the hospital! My dad is an ob/gyn and he was pulled over one night while racing to get to the hospital to deliver a baby. He jumped out of the car, told the cop that he was on his way to deliver a baby, and the cop let him go.
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