Sydney Danielle Lough 3/11/07

Sydney Danielle Lough  3/11/07
My Inspiration

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


This is my first time to participate in Word-Filled Wednesday, but it was fun making my picture. The picture is of Current River, taken when we were there fishing. I felt it was appropriate for this scripture because it is so peaceful there. I feel like I can really connect with God while I am floating on the water.

I talked about how this verse has impacted me recently here.

For more scripture inspiration, head over to The 160 Acre Woods!

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    Denise said...

    Welcome to WFW, so glad you joined us. I love that verse, and picture.

    Anonymous said...

    I was a "first-timer" this week too! I can always "find" God near water...whether a smooth stream or crashing waves, He always speaks louder to me there.


    Robin said...

    Beautiful picture. I grew up in Kentucky and my parents frequented places like this (plus we had two creeks on our property). I would so like to be sitting by a stream right now!