I can't believe Austin is already a month old! Where has the time gone?! We went to the doctor last Monday (the 23rd) for his official one month appointment even though it was actually a week later. Dr. Beal was very pleased with what he saw. He said Austin was perfectly healthy and advancing just as he would expect. Here are the stats as they were on February 23:
Height: 22 in (up from 19 3/4 at 1 week)My baby boy is growing up!
Weight: 9# 5 oz (up from 6# 5 oz at 1 week and 8# 8 oz at 1 month)
Head Circumference: 38 cm (up from 34 1/4 cm at 1 week)
Here are some of the things Austin is doing right now:
- Getting much better control holding his head up
- Really focusing on toys and starting to engage them
- Smiling in response to his people and toys (occasionally)
- Cooing when you talk to him
- Sleeping around 5-6 hours after last feeding of the night (between 7:30 and 8:00)
- We are still having a pretty difficult time getting him down to bed the first time, but then he goes right to sleep after each night-time feeding.
- Waking up between 6:30 and 8:00
- Spending about 45 minutes awake after each daytime feeding and then taking a nap- We are still on a 3 hour feeding schedule during the day.
- Swaddling for all naps and to go to bed, but he tends to fight it and ends up out of it by the time he wakes up. When we try not to swaddle him, he has trouble staying asleep. (Any suggestions would be welcomed!)
This was taken on Austin's first trip to Papa Don and Grandma Nancy's house. I just think it is cute!
This last picture was taken when he got his first cold-like symptoms. He had a stuffy nose, watery eyes, and was having trouble breathing. So, I got out the handy nose-sucker-thing to clear out his nose. He had never minded it much, but I am beginning to believe that that was because there was nothing to suck out before. He absolutely hated it this time! This picture was taken just after I had sucked out his nose and handed him over to his Daddy. I walked towards him and he put his hands up and scowled as if to say, "You just try coming at me with that thing again, Mommy!"
Thank you so much for supporting and following my blog! Your blog has touched me deeply. God bless you and your sweet family! Shay a.k.a. The Conservative Mommy
What a cute little guy. I'm glad things are settling into a nice routine for you.
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