I have a sick little boy. But, then again, I knew that before we made our first "sick" trip to the doctor this morning. While Austin's chest is clear and he does not have a fever, he does have a cold. He also has a little fluid on his left ear, but it is not infected...yet.
The nurse practitioner showed me how to use the nasal spray and told me to just keep doing what I am doing. It did make me feel better that he was not getting anything in his lungs and that I am not hurting him when he screams so bad at the "nose sucker", so it was definitely not a wasted trip.
On a side note, Austin weighed in at 11 lbs 3 oz this morning! He is a growing boy!
I will be so glad when Daddy gets home! Only one more day!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Aw, poor guy! And poor you, too. It's no fun to have a sick baby. I hope he's on the mend soon!
hope your little man feels better soon :)
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