Sydney Danielle Lough 3/11/07

Sydney Danielle Lough  3/11/07
My Inspiration

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

An Exciting Weekend

I just finished ordering new cell phones for Andrew and I. While this may seem like a common event, it is the reason behind these orders that make this story worth blogging about.

You see, I was sitting around Saturday morning in my big fluffy robe that Andrew bought me for our anniversary a few years ago, when I spilled something on it. So, I decided that I would wash it and Andrew's robe and the few dirty towels I had. I thought it would be nice for him to come home to a freshly cleaned robe! (He was in Atlanta all week and came home Saturday night.)

So, when it came time to put them from the washer to the dryer, I got all but Andrew's robe out and noticed something sitting in the bottom of the washer. You guessed cell phone!

I had accidentally washed my cell phone which had been in my robe pocket all morning! While this proves to be an inconvenience for anyone, it was really a problem for me because we recently got rid of our land line and switched to using just our cell phones.

So, not only was I without a cell phone, I was with out a phone at all!

No way to reach the outside world!

And I'm pregnant!

And paranoid!

So I decided I would go over to my parent's house to use their phone to contact Andrew in Atlanta and figure out what I should do. I hopped in the shower to get ready. When I was done, I reached out for my towel and realized...I had forgotten to get a towel...because I had washed it with my phone!

So, I had to get out of the shower dripping wet and freezing to get a towel out of the closet.

Then, I reached for my robe...but it was not there either! That's the dryer! I decided right then and there to throw a little temper tantrum!

I spent the entire afternoon getting a phone I could use (my smartchip still worked, so I put it in Nancy's old phone until I could get a new one). By the time I got home, I was worn out.

So, today I have ordered a new phone. I will have to re-enter all of my contacts because, of course, they were stored on my phone, not the smartchip. Oh, the joys of losing your mind to pregnancy hormones!

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Jeni said...

When Emilyann was living with us, she washed and dried her new cell phone - and it still worked! She didn't lose any memory or battery capacity or anything; it was still good as new!

Anonymous said...

Yes, a cell phone is definitely an essential items when pregnant. New phones are always exciting!