Sydney Danielle Lough 3/11/07

Sydney Danielle Lough  3/11/07
My Inspiration

Friday, November 14, 2008

Blogging Help! And Other Random Things

NaBloPoMo Day 14

Well, I am almost halfway through the month and I almost forgot to post today! I was sitting here and just realized that my blog was still lifeless today! I am so glad I remembered in time. I would have been pretty upset!

I am waiting for Andrew to get home tonight. He should be in around midnight and I am going to go in and pick him up. He thinks I left a car for him, but I decided to surprise him and just go pick him up. It will only let me see him about 30 minutes earlier, but it is worth it! I have missed him!

I am looking forward to my second baby shower tomorrow! A lot of Andrew's family will be here for it and I get to see several friends that I don't get to see too much, so it should be great! I will share what I got at both showers soon.

On to my blogging help question: I recently tried to install CommentLuv on my site. Unfortunately, I keep getting an error message. I submitted a help post, but have not heard anything back. Does anyone use blogger and CommentLuv? Any suggestions? Anyone?

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Anonymous said...

I have a support ticket system at commentluv now. if you enter one with details of the error, I can help

Tiffany said...

Thanks, I'll do that!

Anonymous said...

Awesome...You are almost there!!