It has been a long time since I did any scrapbooking. First, it was because we were so busy getting things ready for a nursery for Sydney. We were moving things around and I really did not have a good place to put my scrapping things. Then, my wonderful husband cleaned out a space in our guest bedroom, moved my scrapbook supplies into it and then bought me a folding table that fit right at the end of the bed by my supplies that I could use! It was my Christmas present and was so thoughtful! But, then, at the end of January, I went into the hospital for my bed rest.
When we lost Sydney, all motivation for scrapbooking went with her. I had been so exciting about doing her scrapbook that it just lost all enticement for me when I could not. Then, last week, I saw an add in the local paper telling about a scrap group that meets here in Hallsville! How convenient is that?! So, it has almost been a year, and I am finally starting to scrapbook again. I am going to start back up with our summer vacations to Seattle and Canada last year. I have had the pictures printed out for a while, but, as already discussed, I just did not have it in me. I am hoping that having other people there with help.
So, here goes nothin'...
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Good for you! Good luck.
that is nice that a group meets close to you! have fun!
Good luck! I am glad that you started to scrap book! It is a good thing to make sure your memories are saved, and in a cute way.
Hope the scrapping group brings you the motivation you need to enjoying scrapbooking again.
how was your scrapbooking on Saturday? Hope all is well!
Oh, and Thanks for stopping by again! Let us know how the meal plan works for this month! That is amazing!
I know it must be hard but I think you'll find it worth it in the end. Good luck!
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