I can hardly believe that it has been a year since 2007 arrived. What a roller coaster it has been!
We started 2007 out in excited anticipation. We were expecting our first child, our daughter, Sydney. I first felt her move in early January while we were out for a drive with my parents and Andrew's parents. It was such an amazing feeling! I could not believe it.
Then, at the end of January, I was admitted to the hospital on bed rest as my water had broken at 25 weeks. But, Sydney was a trooper! She continued to grow and thrive and fight. We were beating the odds when I went into labor at 31 weeks. At first, things were looking good, but the infection that had caused my labor was too much, and we lost her after 16 1/2 hours of life.
This summer, we did a lot of traveling. In early July, Andrew had a conference with work in Seattle and I was able to go with him. We had a wonderful time. I was able to meet up with one of my friends from PT school who now lives in Seattle. It was good to see her again. I also enjoyed getting to meet the people that Andrew works with and has talked about in the past. We were there for a week, home for a week, and then back out on the road again. We went back to Canada to Barrier Bay Resort for our 5 year anniversary, staying in the same cabin we had for our honeymoon. It was the most relaxing vacation I have ever had! It was definitely time we needed!
I have had a lot of changes of jobs this year. When I went into the hospital, I had been working as a physical therapist in Fulton. However, after 6 weeks on bed rest and a C-section, I was in no shape physically to return to PT and I was definitely in no shape emotionally. So, I stayed home for a while and then in May, took a job as a "Lifestyles Coordinator" or activity director at TigerPlace, an independent retirement facility. That worked for a while and I really enjoyed the residents there. However, after some problems with my boss, I decided it was time for me to return to physical therapy.
One of the many things that changed in my life this year was my desire to stay at home. I had never wanted to be a SAHM, but when I got pregnant, it started to become a dim thought in my mind. Maybe I would try to stay at home 1 day every week or two. As my pregnancy progressed, my desire to remain home with my children increased. When we lost Sydney, I knew more than ever that I want to stay at home, at least part-time, when we have children again. I found the perfect solution to the problem of needing to work and wanting to stay home. I started working for University Hospital as a PRN PT. That means that they call me when they need extra help. I can either agree to work, or say no. The choice is up to me. Right now, they are needing a lot of help, so I have steady work three days a week and still get to be home two days a week to do things around the house. Then, when we do have more children, I will be able to stay home with them as I want and still work some. I have really enjoyed working there as my co-workers have been very helpful and understanding. It has been a real blessing.
Andrew had some great changes at work this year, also. At the beginning of the year, Andrew got a promotion to Marketing Manager and the raise that went along with it. He really enjoys what he does and the people he works with. It is a real blessing that he likes his job.
We went to visit Teresa and Paul in Texas for Thanksgiving with Mom and Dad.
That brings us up to today...a new year.
Your hair is so cute!!!
Tiffany, what a year it has been. Thank you for sharing your heart and your life with others and allowing us to be a part.
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