Sydney Danielle Lough 3/11/07

Sydney Danielle Lough  3/11/07
My Inspiration

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Go Tigers!

I just have to say, I am proud of our Mizzou Tigers!

On New Year's Day, we headed over to a friend's house to watch the Cotton Bowl with some friends. We had a great time! The Tigers played an amazing game. Everyone showed up and played their hearts out. And, I have to say, they deserved the win.

I took Cowboy Soup over for lunch. It is a recipe that is really easy and tastes great. Here it is:

Cowboy Soup

2 lb. Ground Beef (cooked with onions and drained.) I used 1 lb ground beef and 1 lb ground sausage. This was the first time I had done that, but we liked the outcome.
2 cans Ranch Style Beans
3 large cans Minestrone Soup
1 soup can water
1 can Rotel
16-24 oz. Velveeta

Combine all ingredients in crock pot. Cook on low all day. (This time, since it was for lunch, I cooked it on high ~3 1/2 hours.)

Eric, the host, had gotten a Nintendo Wii for Christmas, so of course, during half-time, we had to see what all of the hype was about. I can now truely say, the hype is right on! We played bowling, baseball, tennis, and boxing. I did ok for everything but boxing. It was such a workout! Andrew and I were going at it for 1 round and I was sweating, breathing hard, and my heart rate was up. No kidding! It is cheaper than a gym, and a lot more fun! I think we are going to have to bite the bullet and go buy a Wii! Who would have thought it?

Anyway, head over to the Family Corner for more Crockpot recipes on her Slow Cooking Thursday meme.

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      Mari said...

      Hi Tiffany - this recipe looks really good. Thanks for sharing! I also would like to express my sympathy on the loss of your daughter. I think it's great that you started this blog to share what you've gone through. I will add you to my prayer list.

      Sandra said...

      Hi Tiffany....I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers!

      This recipe looks SO good, thank you for sharing :)

      Coach T said...

      awesome job on the winter quiz! :) The cowboy soup sounds YUMMY. I keep forgetting to tell you I made your "monster cookies" over the holidays and Bryndyn & Caelleb LOVED them. Thanks for sharing the recipes!!! Wii sounds like fun.