Sydney Danielle Lough 3/11/07

Sydney Danielle Lough  3/11/07
My Inspiration

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Finally- A Picture!

After much adieu... here is the picture of Cameron, my new nephew, I have been promising.

Isn't he adorable?! Marion, you got a pretty great birthday present for a cousin! I never got any presents like that from any of my cousins. You must be pretty special! :)

I talked to Brook today. I wanted to know how their first night at home went. She said that he slept 5 hours the first round, they were up feeding for about an hour, then went back to sleep until around 7 this morning! What a baby!

Big news, Cameron was selected as the Baby of the Week at our local newspaper. This means he gets a write-up with his picture in Sunday's paper! He is famous already. Gavin says that this must mean he is "Big Brother of the week."

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    Anonymous said...

    What a sweetie! Congratulations!!

    Jeni said...

    He's very sweet! And that's a nice picture, with Gavin holding him.

    Marion said...

    I am so glad to be finally putting a face with my presents name. He is gorgeous. We are coming down on the weekend of the 18th to see everyone. And people born on the 7th are special, I mean how many people win an award right off the bat. Love ya

    Amy said...

    So cute! Congrats Aunt Tiffany.