I don't know about you, but it seems to me that there is so much to do in a week's time and not enough time to do it all! Because of this, I tend to forget things that I need to do, or just flat out don't make the time for it. That is why I am starting Monday Madness.
I am off work on Mondays and Thursdays, so I have to make the most of these days. That is why I am choosing Monday to do this.
I am going to list five things that I need to get done each week. That way, the important things don't get forgotten. Also, if I have posted them, I feel more accountable to actually get them done!
Here is my 5 things for this week:
1. Go to Sam's- We are in desperate need of Kitty Litter.
2. Get foam pad for guest room mattress- Right now, we have two twin-sized egg crate foam pads on our queen-sized guest bed. I don't know if it is comfortable for a guest to sleep on because they keep splitting when I am making the bed. That has got to get annoying. Even if it is still comfortable, I am tired of messing with it when I make the bed.
3. Sort out Appliance Manuals- I have collected every manual for every appliance, piece of electrical equipment, and broom (ok, maybe that is exaggerating) that we have bought since getting married. Five years may not be a really long time, but we have collected a lot of manuals. It is time to get rid of the ones we don't need any more. I have been putting this off for quite a while!
4. Get cost for Randy's office supplies and put up a wall- My brother has his own business and is renting an office here in Columbia, but we have to put up a wall in it. So, this is really more for Andrew, but I am helping. We are working on the wall this weekend.
5. Finish my Christmas Shopping- We only have a few more people to shop for and I want to get it all done before the stores get really crazy! I don't know if I will get this one completely done, but I do want to at least put a dent in it.
Feel free to join me in this project. I hope it will help with getting things done.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Hi Tiffany!
Yes I live in Edmond. I am born and bred here. Thanks for stopping by! Oklahoma Christian is a great institution. I have many friends that have gone there or teach there.
Thanks for the comment. We have power back but it went off again a bit ago. This storm is not over yet they say. So many beautiful trees have been destroyed.
Have a blessed day!
Tell Randy congrats. on hte business success. Look forward to seeing them more now that he has an office here. Let me know if any help is needed on :the wall".
Good idea for a "Monday Madness" post. Maybe I'll join in once our lives are back to normal.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter.
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