So, it has been a long time since my last post. Life, as usual, has been running away like crazy! It is hard to slow down and enjoy it. But, we did get a chance to do just that a couple of weekends ago. We went to Tennessee to see my nephew, Scot, play his last game of football for the year. We had a great visit! Unfortunately, Scot hurt his knee in the game. While we feared that he may have torn his ACL again, but thankfully, they think he just irritated the bone a little. That weekend, Eric, another nephew, was able to come home from college, so we got to visit with him as well.
Work is going really well. For those of you who don't know, I started my job at University Hospital on October 16th. It has been such a blessing! The people I work with are very supportive and understanding that I have been out of physical therapy for a while and need some time to work back into it. They do not get irritated when I ask questions and are all very friendly! I think I am really going to like working there. I have been seeing patient's on my own since last Wednesday. (That is a whole story of it's own that I will post on at a later date.)
We are leaving on Friday to fly to Houston with Mom and Dad for Thanksgiving at Teresa and Paul's house (my sister and brother-in-law). It has been a long time since I have seen them and am looking forward to it. We had originally planned on driving, but decided to treat ourselves to a less stressful trip and fly, even though it would cost a little more. Now, with gas prices the way they are, it may not be much more expensive after all. We will be flying back home the Friday after Thanksgiving, so I don't know how much posting I will be able to do between now and then. I will give more of an update when I get home.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Enjoy the trip and seeing the family. It's nice to fly every once in awhile, to get away without all those long hours in the car. And thanks for your prayers, and feel free to add me to your list!
Have a fun and safe trip!
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