Wow! Two days in a row! Today's section in Knowing and Loving the Bible was entitled The Story of Your Life. It was talking about how God uses our lives to tell a story to others. The only way he can weave our story is for us to form a relationship with him through the scriptures. It is through the scriptures that He molds us into what He wants us to be.
Two things stuck out to me today. First, was when she asked how I would describe my "adventure with the Bible" up to this point. I would have to say a sporadic acquaintance. I have tried many times to read it regularly, but have always failed. And, instead of digging deep as you would with a close friend, I have merely skimmed the surface, looking for the "obvious black and white" that I love so much. Instead, I need to worry, not about how much I am getting read, but about what I am getting from what I am reading.
The second thing that stuck out to me was habit the author has gotten into. She picks a word and a verse for a year and strives to learn more about it. For example, one year, the verse was Proverbs 3:5- Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Her word was trust and she spent the year learning about trust. She said she learned that Trust stands for Total Reliance Under Stress and Trial. Another year, her verse was Lamentations 3:21-24 and her word was hope. She said she learned that hope stands for Holding On with Patient Expectation. I think that I will look into having a verse and word for next year. (I think this year will be spent just trying to get into the habit of studying.)
I pray that God will help you find a way to know Him better so I can see the story He will tell through you!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Tiffany, I'm confident that God is building his story in you right now. Ever since college I have LOVED this idea of our lives being a story crafted by God -- to see how He has grown me up to this point and how people and experiences in the past have shaped who I am today -- to see how our stories interweave into His BIG STORY of redemption throughout the Bible and continuing today. He is doing beautiful things in you because you are opening up to Him in new ways. May you find the deeper relationship that you are seeking!
Hi, I found your blog through org junkies (I was looking for menus for 1 or 2). I saw your picture of Sidney and my heart immediately went up in prayer for you and your family. My family lost my niece who was also very premature and my heart broke for you as I prayed for your healing. May God continue to show you His ways which are far greater than we could ever imagine.
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