One of the perks of being able to stay at home a few days a week is that I am now able to participate in the Ladies Bible Class on Thursday mornings. We are studying the book Walking By Faith, by Jennifer Rothschild. I missed the first week because I was still working, so last week was my first time there. I ordered the book and got it in the mail this week. Yesterday, instead of doing my normal daily quiet time, I worked on catching up for today's study. Nothing really jumped out at me that I wanted to blog about. Maybe it was because we had discussed it already last week. Maybe it was because I was focusing on "just getting through." I don't know. But, this morning, as I got up to finish before the study, I found a nugget. We are talking about "Following the Leader" and I was reading 2 Chronicles 12:7-8. Jennifer states something that I have been struggling with a lot lately.
"Sometimes God delivers us through the thorns instead of from them. Why? So His grace can grow there and His strength can sustain us there. And so we can learn how to travel in tandem with Him. Remember, Paul's thorn was Gods showcase, and a thorn is never a platform for spotlighting ourselves."
Wow! I am still hurting, and I still miss Sydney, and I don't know why He did not save her, but I can see it! God is seeing me through this. He is using this tragedy in our lives to grow me. I wish this was not how it happened, but I am thankful that God is going to use this. It is hard for me to think that something is "worth" losing her. But, God wants to be more important than anything! That includes work, home, Andrew, and, yes, even Sydney. I am not there yet, but I am working on it. Take time today to see how is God seeing you through your thorns.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
I just want to thank you so much for sharing your feelings. It really helps me to think and focus on things in my life as well. I do not in any way know what it is like to lose a child, but you amaze me in your strength and your yearning for the word of God. Please keep blogging because you are doing more than just typing on computers, you are touching peoples lives. Love ya,
Hi Tiffany. Jennifer Rothschild's husband here. Delighted to know God is speaking to you through WBF Bible study. May God bless you and your group. Jennifer's Dr. Phil
Good thoughts for today. You're being so strong in your recovery, and I hope you know that prayers from all over the country are also supporting you. I very much look forward to meeting Sydney some day...
Oh, my goodness -- I bet that really is Jennifer Rothschild's husband writing -- how neat and crazy!
You are doing great, Tiffany. I enjoyed your visit today -- thank you so much!
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