Sydney Danielle Lough 3/11/07

Sydney Danielle Lough  3/11/07
My Inspiration

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I Can't Believe It!

NaBloPoMo Day 5

It is the morning after the elections and I can't believe it!

I am shocked!

I didn't think this would happen...not for a long time.

The election? No, this has nothing to do with the election.

I slept through the night without having to get up to go to the bathroom! For a pregnant woman in her third trimester (officially today!) this is a huge deal! In fact, I can only remember waking up once to even roll over and change positions. Normally, I am getting up 2-4 times a night and changing positions countless times.

What kind of energy will I have today?!

When will this happen again?!

I guess I will just have to enjoy this blessing! Have a great day!

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Jeni said...

Wow, that's great! I'm sure you feel a bit more rested than normal. I'm only 9 1/2 weeks, and I'm already getting up 2-4 times & changing positions a lot!

Anonymous said...

That is an accomplishment!