Sydney Danielle Lough 3/11/07

Sydney Danielle Lough  3/11/07
My Inspiration

Monday, March 30, 2009

I Almost Had A Heart Attack!

Yesterday after church, we went out to eat with some of our friends. I had held Austin for a while until he went to sleep and then I set him back in his car seat so I could eat. When we got done eating, Andrew got Austin and carried him out to the car.

When we got home, I went to get him out of the seat so I could feed him. I about had a heart attack when I realized that he was not buckled in! Andrew had not realized that I had not buckled him in when I put him back in during lunch, and I did not think to check since Andrew had carried him out to the car.

I had always wondered how a parent could forget something so important, but now I know! I was so shocked by the what ifs that could have happened that I double checked him when we went back out that evening. What other blunders will we make? I am sure this is just the beginning. That is a scary thought!

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Rach said...

I noticed I had done that once with Alia when she fell asleep during church. It happens to the best of us!

Nichole said...

We did that a time or two (or three) with Piper. I think it's only happened once with Graham, though. We're trying to train Piper to yell, "Mommy, Daddy! Stop! I'm not buckled" in the event that we forget now. Like that would ever happen ... :)

Jeni said...

Been there, done that. Scary.

BexInTheCity said...

guilty! the truth of it is... EVERY parent has done it. especially every new parent

Brei said...

i'm guilty also. the exact same thing happened with jagger at lunch. you are not alone.

Joy Pierce said...

I remember doing that with Harrison too....freaked me out too! Clara is the seat belt police, so no chance of that with her! : )