Sydney Danielle Lough 3/11/07

Sydney Danielle Lough  3/11/07
My Inspiration

Sunday, March 29, 2009

A BIG Saturday

Apparently, yesterday was to be a day of BIGs. It started off with a BIG night of sleep with Austin sleeping 9 hours! I could not believe it! Hopefully, this will become more of the norm than the exception. We are getting there! :)

Then, of course, there was the BIG Mizzou game against UCONN. Even though we lost, I was proud of the Tigers for making it to the Elite Eight and playing a good, strong game until the end. I look forward to next season.

Then, there was the BIG diaper blowout!

Daddy started to handle this one on his own, but quickly called for backup and the camera. We ended up going straight to the tub for a bath. Where we saw some BIG eyes!

Doesn't he look sad? I love those curls! They go away when his hair dries, but maybe when he gets a little older, they will stick around more.

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Joy Pierce said...

Oh Austin is so cute! Wish I could see him myself and give him some snuggles! I see a lot of his mommy in that face!
Joy (and Joe, Harrison & Clara too)

Unknown said...

Love the curly-Q!

And the diaper blowout? Oh, yes, many times with Ladybug. Just soak the clothes or whatever got the poop on it immediately or a stain will set. I learned that the hard way!