NaBloPoMo Day 2!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~We had a great time at the Halloween party on Friday night! The weather was perfect to be outside. Uncle Eric and Aunt Judy brought up decorations for the yard, so we were decked out with hay bales, scarecrows, goards, lighted trees, ghosts, spider webs, and the list goes on and on! We also borrowed a fire pit from a neighbor, so we could all stay warm. Add to that all of the friends and family who came to play, the various costumes (on adults and kids) and all of the yummy food and we had one spookin' party...and that was all before any trick-or-treaters showed up!
Most everyone sat in chairs outside to greet the trick-or-treaters. It was pretty funny to watch because a lot of the kids looked like they did not know whether to come up or not. We had to yell out, "We have candy!" before a lot of them would venture into the yard! As usual, we took turns passing the candy out while several of the parents took the younger ones around trick-or-treating.
Because the weather was so nice, people were more spread out in coming, which made it a lot easier to handle this year. We also had a record amount of candy, so that helped. I have no idea how many kids came, but there had to be over 200.
All-in-all, I think everyone had a good time. I know we did! In addition to our family that is always there, our friends the Davis', the Hausteins, the Moores and John Mark (one of our young professionals) also came.
As far as costumes go, we had:
- a lumberjack- Andrew
- two pirates- Alisha and Uncle Eric
- a scarecrow- Aunt Judy
- a cowgirl- Nancy
- a man incognito- Bradley
- Pocahontas- Katie
- two cowboys- Jackson and Caden
- Batman- Chase
- a storm trooper- Gavin
- Humpty Dumpty- Cameron
I got a few pictures, but was too busy keeping everything moving and our candy stocked to get very many pictures. If any of you who came got pictures, I would love it if you could get me copies!
We got several pictures but I haven't loked at them yet to see how good they are. We get them on the computer & you can copy any of them you want.
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