No, I did not just hit a bunch of keys on the keyboard. Apparently, November is National Blog Posting Month. It is a great way to get back into the habit of posting every day...or at least more frequently. I know I have been lax about it lately. I am really working on getting more into a daily schedule. Maybe if I have some kind of accountability, it will help.
So, this is the first post for November. Yeah, I is cheating, but give me a break! :)
Please comment to let me know that someone is reading this. Also, do me a favor and give me a really hard time if I don't follow through with this, ok?! Thanks!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
I am following you to keep you accountable :)
Good for you! Last year, nablopomo really helped me get into a routine of blogging.
And congrats on your new little one! Can't wait to meet him in person!
Thanks! I will need all of the accountability I can get!
I am reading and I love your blog. It helps me be able to keep up with you and the baby news. Love ya Happy blogging
It took me a while, but I finally looked through enough of your posts to figure out what in the world NaBloPoMo meant. Duh!
Keep up the blogging! You'll be glad you did!
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