I am so excited about tonight! Why am I so excited, you ask? Well, it is because of the annual Lough Halloween Party! What else?
The first year we moved in here, we figured that with Hallsville being so small and being so close to Columbia, we would not have many trick-or-treaters. I bought about 4 bags of candy and Andrew freaked out (well, he didn't exactly freak, but he was a little surprised) that I had bought so much. He kept saying that we were going to have so much left over to eat and we probably should not have spent that much money on candy we did not need after just buying a house and putting a good bit of money into fixing it up.
Boy, was he wrong! (Sorry sweetie!)
The first child showed up at 4:30 and the rest started showing up around 5. There were so many kids, you could not drive down the street. Parents were bringing them by the van-fulls...and even lawnmower-fulls! Kids were everywhere! I felt like I was at the fair, or at 6 Flags.
Well, needless to say, we ran out of candy after about an hour and a half (of really trying to conserve those four bags). We turned out the lights and sat down to watch a movie with about 10 pieces of candy left- we had to stop while there was a lull in the traffic. We had the lights out ~10 minutes when the doorbell rang! With the lights out! Seriously! They were still coming! I think we ended up with two pieces of candy left by the end of the night.There were probably around 400 kids there that night! Every year since then (5 years)it has been rainy on Halloween, so there have not been as many kids...only a couple hundred. But, it has become our tradition to invite friends and family over to help us handle the load. Everyone brings a bag (or 2) of candy. We all sit around and eat soups and snacks while taking turns passing out candy and oohing and aaawwwwing over the costumes. It is a lot of fun!
Pictures are from past years. I will post more pictures after tonight.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
The comments are now fixed! Sorry about the trouble.
Sounds like so much fun! We had hundreds of kids around here, too. Where did they all come from?
I think ours come from the surrounding rural areas. I think people feel like it is safer to bring their kids to a small town than a larger one. Other than that...who knows?
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