OK, so where was I? Oh, yes! The baby!We found out we were pregnant in May. The test was a little inconclusive, (it was faint, but I definitely saw a second line!) but I went ahead and made my OB appointment anyway. I figured that even if a second one came back negative, I would still go in the the doctor to be sure. Unfortunately, I had to wait about a month before they would set up our first appointment.
I went to a new doctor this time: Dr. Jones. He is the same doctor that Brook and Nancy go to and he delivered both Gavin and Cameron. We have heard really great things about him. When he heard my history, he decided that he wanted to send me to a high risk specialist, also. So, now I have two OBs.
I ended up getting in to see Dr. Grant the same afternoon as my first appointment with Dr. Jones (which also happened to be Andrew's birthday!). I completely expected to go in and hear him say that we had already taken care of the problem when I had my surgery last year and that we would just watch things carefully to make sure everything went well.
I was quite surprised when what we actually heard was much different! Dr. Grant said he thought that the septum was only part of my problem. He thought I had had chronic placental abruption and that caused the problems. He said he had seen many women with a septum like mine that did not have the problems I had and many women who had very similar problems, but without a septum. So, he decided to run a bunch of blood tests (16 vials total that day!) to check for things that can contribute to chronic placental abruption. He also wanted me to start taking 4 grams of fish oil daily (those are really big pills!). In addition, he suggested I start taking an extra 800 micrograms of folic acid (my prenatal has 800, so it doubled it).
Oh yeah, and did I mention that he put me on a low carb diet? Yeah! Again! Except this time, it is a lot longer than 2-3 weeks like before. The reasoning? Apparently, carbs cause an inflammatory reaction in the body. When this happens, the cells involved don't work properly. And, of course, the cells most affected are delicate cells, like the placenta! So, to reduce the risk of problems with the placenta, I am on a potato/bread/pasta/sweets- light diet. While this was very upsetting at first, I have adjusted and have found a balance to the diet that I can live with. So, if anyone has any good diabetic/low carb recipes...please share!
Well, that is probably enough information to drop at one time. I will post again soon with more baby updates. If you have any particular questions, leave them in the comments and I will try to address them next time.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Dr. Grant is awesome - he was our high-risk OB until we moved. Sorry about the low-carb diet - been there, done that - but really, I think I ate healthier during that time than at any other in my life!
I hope everyone continues to keep a close eye on you & on Peanut's development.
Hey Tiff, just wanting to say hi and we love ya. We can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl. Let us know more soon. Love ya
Happy to hear you are doing well! That diet would be a bit difficult to adjust too!
Tiffany, I'll send you some recipes. Caleb and I did a low carb diet for a while (hated it).
We are praying for all 3 of you.
Congrats Tiff! I'm so excited for you. So does buying crib bedding mean you know what you're having or are you going neutral? I hope you got Emma's birth announcement. We miss you guys!
I wanted to leave a message sooner but my computer has been acting up...I am SO excited for you guys. Sorry about the low-carb diet. That must be rough but sounds like you're handing it rather well. Again, congrats!
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