I am starting a devotional study on Psalm 119. It is packed full of references to studying and memorizing God's word, and since that is my theme for the year, I wanted to study it deeper.
My theme verse from it is going to be verse 11: I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. In order to do this, you must do two things. First, you must read the Word. Read it in a way that more than just skims, but to really dig in to see what it has to say to you.
Secondly, you must retain it. I think this can be done in two levels. I think just knowing what it is saying in general and having an idea where to find that is one level. That is where a lot of people start, and unfortunately, where a lot of us stop- me included until recently. There is nothing wrong with this level. It covers a large range of topics that can help guide us in our daily lives. But, when you get into a predicament, it helps to have more than a general knowledge. It helps to know exactly what God promises in that matter. This is where you need the second level where you find the passages that really speak to your heart and life and memorize them so you can recall them when you need them...that you might not sin.
God commands us to do this. He explains to us why we need to do this. Yet, still we resist so many times! Join me as I delve into Psalm 119 to learn about study and memorization. I am going to begin by just reading the Psalm through, not focusing on individual pieces, but just getting a feel for what it is about. I will be posting about my thoughts on it on Sunday. If you would like to join me on this journey in God's word, check back Sunday to see what I found and to share what you discovered.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Hey, Tiff - if you get a chance, read "Faulty Mirror," at Crown Laid Down. She's on my blogroll. I think you'll appreciate it.
Excellent thoughts! Thanks for sharing!
I love the book of Psalms. What is the name of your study?
Thank you for sharing your journey with us! When you get a chance, come see what I left you over at my blog!
Hey, Tiff - we've got another prayer request for you. James' cousin's wife, Jessica Kahler, is hospitalized with what they think is viral meningitis. Last we heard, she was sedated for the pain, and they were awaiting the results of the spinal tap. This is a bit more complicated because Jessica also has Lupus. They've got a daughter who is 14 months old. Anyway, prayers for a quick diagnosis & full recovery would be appreciated! Thanks!
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