Today, we are doing a Backwards Edition of WFMW. Instead of posting a tip, we are supposed to post a question. I would love to know any tips for memorizing scriptures that you use or have heard of. Or, if there are any tips for Bible study that you have. I am really trying to dedicate myself to knowing God better through study and memorization of His word this year. It is going to be my theme for 2008. Any ideas? Thanks!
Head over to Shannon's to answer other questions!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
There you are! I wondered if you'd play today. I don't have any tips, I just wanted to say hi!
Wait, I do have a tip! It's for memorizing Phil 4:8, and it's from Joanne at
For memorizing the order of the good things listed in Phil 4:8 remember Tenor Play Ep. TNR PLA EP
true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, praiseworthy.
I keep spiral bound 3x5 index cards in my car. I have written verses on the cards that I want to memorize. So if I'm stuck in traffic, or at the drs office for a long wait, I grab the index cards and read, recite, and flip through.
Write or type it out. Post the verse in visible places (refrigerator door, bathroom mirror). If you commute (train ride or as a passenger), pass the time by studying your verse.
Write the verse out from memory or recite to a friend. Find a friend to learn the same scripture and help keep you accountable.
I love 3x5 cards. When I read the bible I have them right with me so I can write the verse that speaks to me out.
I love, love, love, love Beth Moore Bible studies. I just finished David and I'm doing her one on Jesus. She has others. Email me and I'll give you lots of links.
Our family uses the Scripture Memory System from Simply Charlotte Mason. Even our littlest can recite some lengthy passages just from the daily recitation.
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