Sydney Danielle Lough 3/11/07

Sydney Danielle Lough  3/11/07
My Inspiration

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pictures from Sears 7-25-09

Here are the most recent pictures we have of Austin. We got his first professional pictures about a week ago. They were too cute to pass up, so of course, we spent way to much money! I know I have been promising, but I will post more of an update when I catch up on my sleep a little more. :)

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Shyla said...

I see a lot of Andrew in him! What a cutie!

Tiffany said...

Thanks! It seems like he changes every day. We sure enjoy him.

Glenn and Neva Berkey said...

Wow your life is moving very fast but it sounds like GOD is moving your family along. We will be anxious to see you guys in Sept
