I am a clutterbug! I can't help it. I am afraid to throw things away because "I just might need that some day. As soon as the trash goes out, I will need it." While that has not ever happened to me~ I mean, how can it happen when I don't throw things out~ I irrationally cling to the fear. Lately, I have been looking this fear in the eye and beating it! I have cleaned out so many things~ not just cleaned, but thrown!
Yet, I still have clutter. Apparently, throwing away things I have had for ages is not enough. I have placed (at my mother-in-law's suggestion) a basket on/under my coffee table for clutter that I want to do something with soon, but just don't have time yet. Hey, you may think this is enabling, but at least it is not all over the room or covering my table anymore!
I have also started going through the mail immediately and dealing with it. This has greatly helped stop clutter in its tracks, before it even begins.
But, I have not even thought about electronic clutter~ too much, at least! Marcia over at Organizing Queen issued a great challenge recently. She challenged her readers to go through cell phones, computers, and blog feeds and clean them up! For the details of her suggestions, go here. Not only has she issued the challenge, but she also is making it a contest. One participant, drawn at random, will win a set of household organizing files.
Well, I did it! It took a little while, but I sat right there and started. I started with my cell phone and cleaned it up. I also cleaned out the files on my computer. This was not too hard as we recently wiped our hard drive. At that time, I cleaned it out, but it was surprising how much clutter had built up in a few short months!
Then, it was time for the internet. I tackled my email first. I took my inbox from over 100 messages (well, groupings of messages since I use gmail) to only 39! Then, it was on to my bookmarks. I had done this recently as well as it was in utter chaos! However, again, I was surprised at how many I deleted. I mean, I anticipated 3-5, but I went from 73 bookmarks to 57! Boy, they add up fast.
When it came time to tackle my blog feeds, I just could not do it. I have 40 feeds that I subscribe to. I just have not read enough on some of them yet to say I don't want to read them any more. Is this a disease? Maybe, but it is one I don't mind having.
What about you? Are you up to the challenge? You have until Jan 25th to sign up!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
2 months ago
i can relate to the clutterbug syndrome. . . keep the tips coming! :)
Tiffany, I'm SO PROUD of you. I know how hard that was if you are, by nature, a hoarder.
About your other hoarding, um, tendencies, I think you're doing great. Make an effort to do just 15 - 30 minutes a day and you'll get it done!
Well done and are you feeling the peace yet? ;)
~Marcia, organising queen
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