**Warning: This post is pretty long. I decided to break it up into several different posts to make it easier to read. :) **Well, I finally got my ducks in a row yesterday! As you know, our internet was down for a while due to a tree in our yard getting struck by lightening in June (Friday the 13th to be exact). The strike blew off a huge chunk of the trunk on one side, which we could immediately see. But, after looking closer, it also put a huge crack down most of the back side of the trunk~ maybe all the way through, we could not tell. It looked like the tree was going to have to come down. (cue pouting)
Not only did it fry the computer on our Jeep (which is still in the shop!) and the computer on our furnace/AC, but it also fried our modem and wireless router. Luckily, the furnace/AC was still covered under warranty, so we did not have to pay a penny on it. After several phone conversations with the internet help desk, they determined they were going to have to send a technician out to look at the problem. So, I took a day off work to wait all day (because they could not give me a time frame when they would be coming~sometime between 8 and 5) and they did not show up! I called twice to check on when they would be coming and the second time, I was told the technician said he came and I was not there. I had not even showered that day for fear of missing them! They certainly did not come to my house! When I told the lady on the phone that, she got pretty rude and told me that there was nothing she could do to make the situation right- I was just going to have to take another day off work! Well, considering my hormonal state at the time, I lost it! I ended up throwing a fit and canceling my service. Oops! No internet.
We finally got internet again through CenturyTel (which Andrew can't stand~ another long story for another time. Remind me and I will tell you some time.) after a couple of weeks. Just when I started being able to get on the internet at home again, my computer broke down. My battery stopped charging and I did not realize it until the notice came up to switch to outlet power to avoid having the computer shut down and lose any unsaved data. What!? The laptop was plugged in! Great! So, we started looking around for the receipt to check on the warranty, but I was almost positive the warranty had expired last summer. But, no! Andrew was right...we still had 15 days left on the warranty! So, we turned it in last week and got it back last night. So, here I am posting a real post for the first time in quite a while.
Check back later for more parts to the big update!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Your poor tree and jeep and internet and AC! And a laptop battery to boot. I guess it's been busy at your house! :-)
I'm glad you posted an update. I was going to call you to check on you, and realized I misplaced your phone number. I'm anxious for the rest of the update!
Glad you're back; I missed the blog. I can't wait for the series about "Lightning Detesters" to conclude (and I already know how it ends)! Keep those posts comin'.
happy to see you are back!
I would have canceled my internet service under those circumstances too!
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